Sunday, April 6, 2008


The day started by getting adjusted to local time quite abruptly by getting up at 6 for a 7:30 tour. After a well guided tour through the city, seeing what was heralded the first cobblestone street, seeing Robert Lee’s childhood home, and other historic places, we were dropped off at Mount Vernon. The weather today was light/medium showers, so waiting in a 40 minutes line to get into the main house wasn’t the most enjoyable thing, and unfortunately they didn’t allow pictures inside, so I don’t have proof we went inside. You’ll have to settle for these. The indoor pictures you see are from the museum recently added to the center.

G'Dub's backyard

Lovely cherry blossoms

A wax sculpture of G'Dub at age 22. Cool because they had no pictures/paintings/sculptures of him before age 40. They did some scientific stuff to try to get what he would look like.

At age 40

Age 60-something, doesn't matter, he's old.



One of those thing where it looks like he is looking at you no matter where you are.

After returning to our hotel to drop off our rain clothes which were no longer needed, we walked the block and a half from our hotel to the Air and Space Museum. Got tons of pictures, and as you can tell by some of them, it was packed.

A very detailed model of some U.S.S Enterprise. The guy who made it spent 12 years and over 12,000 hours to make it.

4 Billion years? Really?

Capitol of the Capitol

Dinner at Ruth Chris. Wow. I got a ribeye steak, sizzled with extra butter. I then proceeded to put the rest of the butter that came with the bread on the plate, which comes around 500 degrees to keep your steak warm, so it melted beautifully. Great food + poor service = free desserts. Remember that.

Drooling yet?

A couple of things I learned/observed during the day:
· George Washington had a lot potential to be a big loser. He took a lot of risks regarding war, but fortunately they turned out perfectly
· George Washington would have rolled over in his grave if he saw the huge food court they built at Mt. Vernon
· Every group of teenagers, no matter what they are doing, or where they are, are extremely cool, and you aren’t
· 90% of people waiting in line have absolutely no clue what they are waiting for

Itinerary for tomorrow:
Breakfast @ the Old Ebbit Grill
Lunch @ the Old Post Office Building
Dinner@ Georgia Brown’s

Possible places to go:
Spy Museum
National Archives
Surpreme Court
Library of Congress
National Geographic Society

Meet you here tomorrow, same time...


Anonymous said...

You bad boy....taking pictures of Washington's dentures...hehe...that steak looks amazing! What did you have for dessert?

Anonymous said...

That steak did look good.
What's this I hear about you and free wine?!?

Savannah Lauren said...

Haha, that food court is pretty big. :D
When i went to Mt. Vernon, i was surprised by how much smaller it was than i imagined.